Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Albert Einstein 3 Essay Example For Students

Albert Einstein 3 Essay This German born physicist is considered one ofthe worlds greatest thinkers in history. Not onlydid he shape the way people think of time, space,matter, energy, and gravity but he also was asupporter of Zionism and peaceful living. Einsteinwas born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm Germany,and spent most of his youth living in Munich,where his family owned a small electric machineryshop. He attended schooling in Munich, which hefound unimaginative and dull. In addition to this hetaught himself Euclidean geometry at the age of12. Later his family was forced to move to Milan,Italy where he then decided to withdraw fromschool at the age of 15. Eventually he realized thathe had to finish secondary school, which he tookin Arrau, Switzerland. On the other hand he stilloften skipped class to study physics on his ownmuch like myself. At age 22 he became a Swisscitizen and in 1903 married a women namedMileva Marec, whom which he had two sons withbut nonetheless latter divorced as to marry hiscousin in 1919. Which is unlike me. On the otherhand he did publish five major research papers atthe age of 26. The first one getting him hisdoctorate in 1905. The first paper was onBrownian motion, which is a zigzag motion ofmicroscopic particles in suspension. He suggestedthat the movement was the result of the randommotion of molecules of the suspension medium asthey rebound off suspended particles. The secondpaper laid the base of the photon, or quantumtheory of light. It said that light is made offseparate packets of energy, titled quanta orphotons. The paper remade the theory of light. Also explaining the emissions of electrons fromsome solid objects when they are struck by light. Televisions are practical applications of Einsteinsdiscoveries. The third paper, which he began as anessay at age 16, contained the special theory ofrelativity. He showed that time and motion arerelative to the observer, if the speed of light isconstant and natural laws are the sameeverywhere in the universe. The fourth was amathematical addition to the special theory ofrelativity. This is where he presents his famousE=mc?, also known as the energy massequivalence. Comptons Interactive Encyclopediatranslates it as (E) inherent in mass (m) equals themass multiplied by the velocity of light squared(c?). His fifth paper was his general theory ofrelativity. In which he proposed that gravity is nota force, a previously accepted theory but its acurved field in the space-time continuum created inthe presence of mass. In 1921 Einstein won theNobel Prize for physics for the confirmation of hisgeneral theory of relativity although the otherpapers where still considered controversial. In1933 he moved to the U.S.A where he became acitizen in 1940. Einstein died in Princeton, NJ, onApril 18, 1955. But the knowledge he passed stillcaries through tomorrow. Category: Biographies

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