Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Shame of Family Films

The Shame of Family Films In the article â€Å"The Shame of Family Films† the writer, Julia Baird, talks about how there is an absence of female champions or female principle characters in children’s motion pictures. She at that point proceeds to portray an investigation done by Stacy Smith and Marc Choueiti at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California, who broke down 122 family films, including the fifty top-netting ones during the years 2006 to 2009, extending from G to PG-13. In the investigation they found that 29. 2 percent of the characters were female.They likewise discovered that one out of four characters were depicted â€Å"sexy, tight, or charming attire†, which was contrasted with one of every twenty-five male characters. The creator at that point went on examine what number of ladies were found behind all these children’s films. She alluded to an investigation called The Annenburg Study that was authorized by Geena Davis Institute and it found that the level of artists who were female, the level of ladies who structure swarm scenes in family films, and the level of female storytellers were each of the seventeen percent. Related article: Shame is Worth a Try SummaryThis article made me recollect the motion pictures I looked as a youngster and I understood that a ton of those films were likewise chauvinist. A significant number of the motion pictures were and are made with conventional sexual orientation jobs set in them. They depicted a weak fundamental female character that was spared by a solid male character or a principle character was a solid disapproved of male who was helped by a female sidekick. I concur with Baird that there is an absence of courageous women in children’s motion pictures. Numerous youngsters may keep on following the customary sex jobs in light of the motion pictures they watch.Boys will believe that they are assume to be solid, incredible, and canny and the young ladies will imagine that they must be frail and that regardless of whether they are solid and have power, a male will consistently have more force. I might want to see progressively female characters in chil dren’s motion pictures not submitting to the customary sexual orientation jobs since I figure young ladies should realize that they can give young men a run for their cash with regards to getting solid and amazing. I grew up with the customary sexual orientation jobs and I loathed that I had to.I didn’t like when my siblings and I would play â€Å"doctor’s office† or â€Å"school†, I must be the attendant or instructor when they had the option to be the specialist or head. It caused me to feel like I was second best contrasted with them and I don’t figure any young lady should feel the manner in which I used to feel. Each kid should feel like they can turn into whatever the person in question needs and ought not restrict themselves due to the sex jobs many are educated as a kid. Reference: http://www. newsweek. com/2010/09/22/why-family-films-are-so-chauvinist. html

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cellular Metabolism in Yeast essays

Cell Metabolism in Yeast expositions The yeast Saccromyces cerevisae was set in two distinct arrangements of test tubes alongside glucose and MgSO4 or NaF to test the impacts of the MgSO4 and NaF on yeast cell digestion. A third arrangement of test tubes was utilized as a control. The outcomes show that there is anything but a critical contrast between any of the three gatherings, yet a trial mistake may have caused these discoveries. Yeasts are unicellular individuals from the Kingdom Fungi that can mature sugar and produce ethanol. This specific examination manages Saccharomyces cerevisttae, a sort of yeast that imitates agamically by growing (Stanford). Yeast makes due on oxygen, so it is an aerobe. It additionally has the astounding capacity of adjusting to oxygen-less situations and getting by as an anaerobe (Cofalec). Digestion is the biochemical osmosis and dissimilation of supplements by a cell (Munich). Redox responses structure new cell material and produce vitality. The various responses can be partitioned into anabolism and catabolism (Gamboa). Utilizing the important gear, yeast can be processed and concentrated in the lab. This investigation manages the impacts of MgSO4 and NaF on anaerobic breath in Saccharomyces cerevisttae. We estimate that we will get factually huge contrasts in our exploratory gatherings when we contrast them with the control. We acquired and deliberately cleaned nine test tubes, put them into a test tube rack, at that point poured 8 ml of 1.0 M glucose into every one of them. In the three control test tubes, we included 8 ml deionized water. From that point onward, we shook and included 8 ml of a yeast suspension into all test tubes. Utilizing a smoke hood, we added 8 ml 0.01M MgSO4 to three test tubes that didn't have the deionized water in them. 8 ml of 0.1M NaF were added to the last three test tubes. We put rearranged vials over each test tube at that point altered every framework. Utilizing an oil pencil, we denoted the liquid's meniscus on each cylinder th ... <!

UAE after Islam an Example by

UAE after Islam One of the primary highlights of United Arab Emirates is its ownership of an extremely key area which encourages its exchange and business. Inside the nation, the individuals are occupied with a few occupations, for example, exchanging, transportation, angling and chasing. This a significant piece of their common life which, beside specific turns of events, stayed more and less as similar occupations the individuals in the nation are locked in with as the years progressed. In any case, dissimilar to occupation which remained generally stable as the years progressed, there is a significant part of UAEs culture that experienced radical changes through time. This is in the territory of religion. Such changes might be partitioned between UAE before Islam and UAE under Islamic religion. Need exposition test on UAE after Islam theme? We will compose a custom exposition test explicitly for you Continue Indeed, even before the appearance of Islam, the individuals in UAE have a created religion. It might be what individuals at present consider as crude, however it is in any case a created and composed religion. They have a god as a snake. A sanctuary is worked for the love. This is a decent proof of the level of human progress of these snake admirers as respects their religion. They had the option to make a hallowed area where love of their divinity will be performed. Additionally, the presence such sanctuary infers the presence of built up rituals, customs and conventions of a strict sort that are seen by them. Sanctuaries are likewise normally used to impart to the god, in this manner inferring some type of supplication technique among the individuals. Beside the sanctuary and love, they likewise have other built up standards and conventions, for example, in entombments. This carries us to the second degree of investigation, which is the assessment of the status of UAE after the appearance Islam. Islam supplanted the old religion rehearsed by individuals in UAE. It was encouraged by one of the significant highlights that have portrayed UAE for an exceptionally lengthy timespan, its preferences as respects exchange and trade. Around then, the Gulf, wherein UAE is a piece of, got one of the significant business places just as the business of the boats. This encouraged the spreading of Islam through the assistance of Gulf shippers. The teaching of Muslim confidence is portrayed not by a tranquil incorporation of individuals to the religion. Rather, the introduction of Islam in the nation is encouraged by blood and misfortune. The way to Islam that UAE and different nations in the district needed to follow was cleared with fights and triumphs. Indeed, even from the earliest starting point, Islam was first brought inside the nation by Amer receptacle el Aass by battling all the trespassers from the locale of Arabian Gulf after the demise of prophet Mohammed (PBUH). In the Gulf, this was trailed by different fights, some of which are described by triumphs, the others, by misfortunes. Instances of the triumphs incorporate the triumph of the Ottoman ruler, Mohammed Al-Fatih (the Conqueror) to victory Constantinople, while instances of the misfortunes remember the finish of the realm of Granada for Andalusia in 1492 and end of the Arabian marine power over the Arabian Gulf, Oman Sea, and a piece of the Indian Ocean d uring the fifteenth Century. A significant number of these fights brought about numerous passings and incredible loss of properties. Among the foes against whom the need to guard emerged were Portugal, Holland, France, and Britain. The political atmosphere after the presentation of Islam was likewise influenced by the development of partnerships and ancestral associations that are frequently shaped by administering families. Additionally, the strategies of government and individuals have changed. One significant result of the improvements in the Arab area, including UAE, is their consequences for the issues individuals hold dear. Progress and freedom have become significant calls for Arab residents and consideration was given to the craving to accomplish current training, social modernisation and media receptiveness. The Arab improvement, particularly after Islam, effectsly affects its various parts. A significant conversation as respects these impacts will be the advancement of Dubai Emirates, which is an essential piece of United Arab Emirates. It is considered as the primary part of the Gulf and like UAE, has accomplished an extensive situation in exchange because of its key area. It has likewise become a primary exchanging the Gulf owing mostly to the accomplishment of its pearl-production business. Be that as it may, as talked about above, UAE has become observer to the intersection of societies because of its key area alongside waterways utilized for exchange and transportation, thus have its parts. The outcome is the blending of expressions of the human experience and culture of its parts, including the Dubai Emirates in this manner losing their differentiation among one another. Reference David C King 'Joined Arab Emirates' New York : Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2008. King ibn Muhammad al-Qasimi, Ruler of ShaI riqah'Selected discourses' Sharjah, United Arab Emirates : Al Qasimi Publications, 2016.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Goodyear: Aquatred

It is 1992 and Goodyear is intending to discharge its new tire the Aquatred. The new tire is an exceptional tire which reroutes water away from the principle track causing it to have predominant footing in wet conditions. With the dispatch of this tire coming up Goodyear has a few difficulties they have to make sense of, where would it be a good idea for them to value the Aquatred? Which kind of circulation model would it be a good idea for them to utilize? To make sense of this we will initially need to talk about the current market and methods of dissemination. The tire market can be portioned in three different ways. The principal route is by tire, either by execution or expansive line tires. Execution tires were progressively costly however gave the shopper more footing and control. Another portion was by either OEM or substitution tires. OEM tires are those which are incorporated when another vehicle was bought and a traveler substitution tire are those which are purchased after introductory tires are exhausted. The last portion was by significant brand which was about 36% of the market, littler brand which had 24% or by a private name which held a 40% offer. Goodyear was a significant brand and made about 65% of its incomes off of substitution tire deals, with the rest originating from OEM deals. The US substitution tire advertise in 1991 represented 8. 6 billion dollars. The Aquatred tire is to be propelled in the substitution showcase since it would take a couple of years to build up an agreement for OEM deals. This would be excessively long of a hold up in light of the fact that contenders had their own renditions of the Aquatred because of discharge at some point inside starting 1993. Substitution tires were dispersed to buyers through an assortment of ways. One way was the point at which the tire maker offered direct to enormous chains and wholesalers who exchanged the tires at retail, vehicle vendors and other auxiliary outlets; this represented 40% of Goodyear’s deals. Another 10% of deals were offered to enormous chains and wholesalers who offered uniquely to auxiliary outlets and didn't sell retail. The remainder of Goodyear’s deals were from retail outlets which made up half of substitution tire deals. Conventional retail outlets for substitution tires comprised of six unique channels: Garage/administration stations †offers auto administrations, sold both private and brand name tires, deals have been in decrease as of late because of lower cost higher volume outlets. Little free tire vendors †have a couple of areas where they sell and introduce tires while likewise offering auto administrations. Offer an assortment of brands however make the most income off of private names Manufacturer-possessed outlets †claimed and worked by tire makers, offered one brand of tire and performed auto administrations. Distribution center clubs †low cost with constrained tire brand offering, didn't offer auto benefits simply tire establishments. Mass merchandisers †retail chains which sell tires just as other auto stock. Conveyed various brands and offered auto administrations. Huge tire chains †as a rule had 30 †100 outlets inside one geographic area, conveyed many significant brands and private name tires, they were low cost †high volume outlets. Goodyear didn't circulate its tires through these retail choices. They just conveyed their tires through free vendors, producer claimed outlets and legitimately to government organizations. Their immediate rivalry Michelin sold its tires fundamentally through huge chain vendors and distribution center clubs. The little free sellers represented half of Goodyear substitution tire deals incomes while producer claimed outlets represented about 30%. There were 4400 little free sellers which conveyed the Goodyear brand, anyway just 2500 of these vendors were viewed as dynamic by Goodyear which was uniquely about 57%. To be viewed as dynamic a little vendor must produce steady degrees of deals, keep up significant Goodyear retail shows and offer the full line of Goodyear tires. A motivation behind why just 57% of little free vendors were dynamic is on the grounds that a large number of them were miserable about how Goodyear possessed around 1300 producer outlets all through the nation. This gave a portion of the little free vendors a disincentive to push Goodyear items. We can say this in light of the fact that the edges that little autonomous vendors arrived at the midpoint of 28% on Goodyear tires, 25% for other significant brands and about 20% for private mark tires. Another motivation behind why little free sellers were unsatisfied was on the grounds that wholesalers and huge chain stores would at times procure Goodyear tires and afterward promote Goodyear stock in any event, when they didn't have any in stock. They would then sell the purchaser another tire, this strategy was known as the sleight of hand and it discovered Sears on an inappropriate finish of two claims from Goodyear. Despite the fact that the edges for tires for autonomous sellers were at an entirely sensible level they inferred practically 50% of their incomes from auto administrations, for example, oil changes, tire revolutions and minor motor work. This was on the grounds that buyers purchasing tires frequently alluded to it as resentment buy. The â€Å"average price† of a Goodyear tire in a little free vendor was about $75 per tire. Be that as it may, Goodyear and the whole business found that its deals were a lot higher during limited time periods. This prompted the over advancement of tires and now has left the customers expecting a type of arrangement when tires are bought. Huge numbers of these advancements were regularly something like purchase three tires and the fourth is free. For this situation that implies that 4 tires were truly being sold for about $56 ($225/4 tires) contrasted with the $75 normal. This kind of showcasing structure prompted the desire by customers that they ought to get it on the tires that they buy. Another deal strategy which offered tires to the customers was a producer ensure, which would regularly ensure the life of the tire somewhere in the range of 60,000 and 80,000 miles. This caused customers to feel just as they were getting a quality tire at a sensible value, which looking back pushed the autonomous vendors to sell a greater amount of the cheap tires that accompanied the maker ensures. The Goodyear Aquatred tire would have been discharged in 1992, and Goodyear had to realize how to value it and which channels to convey it through. The Aquatred tire was to be situated at the highest point of the line expansive line fragment. This was on the grounds that the Aquatred separated itself by having the â€Å"Aquachannel† which was a profound woods down the center of the tire and directed the water out from underneath it to abstain from hydroplaning. At the point when tried in wet conditions this tire halted vehicles going at 55 miles for each hour an entire two vehicle lengths shorter than its all season tire rivalry. Goodyear was asserting that when the Aquatred was half worn it was still as viable as a fresh out of the box new all season tire. The Aquatred tire was to be discharged with a Goodyear 60,000 mile ensure. Goodyear’s recommended retail cost of the Aquatred was $89. 95 for a dark sidewall and $93. 95 with a white sidewall. Examination †Where conveyance lays right now for Goodyear, for the most part little free sellers and producer outlets, it would be inside their eventual benefits to bring down the cost of the Aquatred tire. I realize this is an exceptional tire, yet at the present retail costs that Goodyear is recommending they would be situating themselves out of their commercial center. Their evaluating of the Aquatred tire is about $35 ($56 contrasted with $90) higher than a tire with a comparative mileage guarantee. I would bring down the cost of the Aquatred to some place in the $80 †$87 territory so when there was an advancement it would reflect $60 †$65 territory. This would show the buyer that the additional cash is for the nature of the tire and for the improved wellbeing of the travelers. Another key idea would to by no means offer to wholesalers and huge chains, this pattern is proceeding to destroy their center channel of dispersion (little autonomous vendors). Something else I would do is make the maker outlets stock just the full lines of Goodyear at their stores when there weren’t any little free sellers inside the locale. Else, I would utilize the producer outlets to sell a greater amount of the Goodyear specialty items to do whatever it takes not to straightforwardly rival the close by little free vendors. Another way I would attempt to please Goodyear’s little autonomous vendors is have the maker outlet’s retail costs be higher yet at the same time serious with them. I accept that this strategy will raise the measure of dynamic autonomous sellers for Goodyear up from a humble 57%. To help the deals of the free vendors I would run a publicizing effort that accentuated the security of the Aquatred in unforgiving conditions. With the primary goal of the promotion saying something like ‘isn’t your family’s upgraded security worth an extra $20? ’ I would likewise submit more promotions toward the southern portion of the US where there would be no requirement for all season tires, and even more a business opportunity for the Aquatred. I would even now promote in the north of the nation, there is simply more incentive in the south because of the absence of day off. These are my proposals for Goodyear.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Understanding the Scarcity Principle in Marketing

Understanding the Scarcity Principle in Marketing If you have ever sat in an introductory economics class at some point in your life, you might be well aware of one key lesson on the law of supply and demand.It can be roughly simplified down to this; the more scarce a resource is, the more people are willing to give up in order to acquire it and the more common a resource it the less people will be willing to give up to acquire it.Land, an important factor of production will fetch much more money if the piece is located at the centre of the city than land in the countryside.But you would most definitely not go out of your way to pay double for a Starbucks coffee on an ordinary afternoon because you can easily get a similar coffee at any of the several Starbucks within your city, unless of course it’s one of those Christmas holiday Frappuccino specials.When massive diamond deposits were discovered in South Africa in the late 19th Century, British businessmen operating the mines, realising the imminent flooding of the market with di amonds devised one of the most successful marketing campaigns of all times.De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. (now De Beers) was formed and over the decades leading to the campaign in the late 1930s, monopolised the global production and distribution of the semi-precious gem perpetuating the illusion of scarcity of diamonds.The ‘A Diamond is Forever’ campaign created an emotional association with the gem â€" a symbol of love, commitment and marriage.Ever since the demand for diamond engagement rings has been steady despite their relatively low resale value, fuelled by the enduring deception of scarcity.The number of diamonds in circulation in the world market at any given time is carefully controlled by a few companies.This is arguably one of the perfect examples of the scarcity principle at play.WHAT IS THE SCARCITY PRINCIPLE? The scarcity principle is an economic theory where a limited supply of a product combined with a high demand for that product causes a disparity in the des ired equilibrium between supply and demand.A market is in equilibrium if the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded at the equilibrium price or what is called the market clearing price (determined primarily by the interplay between demand and supply creating in theory a mutually agreeable price between buyers and sellers).At this point there are neither shortages nor surpluses for a service or good.However, an equilibrium market is largely hypothetical.According to economist John Maynard Keynes, markets are most often in some form of disequilibrium due to mismatched levels of supply and demand.A number of internal and/or external factors can cause the market to fall out of balance such as sticky prices by sellers, long-term structural discrepancies or government interventions.Looking at the graph for the sugar market above, price Pe (equilibrium price) is the single price that incentivizes suppliers to engage in exchange representing a balance between supply and demand for sugar.If the price increases to P2, traders will be willing to supply more sugar but consumers may reduce the amount of sugar they consume due to the higher cost of purchase involved.There will be a surplus (Q2-Q1) existing in the market due to higher amount of sugar supplied causing a market disequilibrium.Economic theory suggests that in a free market the prices of sugar will eventually fall to Pe since suppliers will be forced to reduce the price to avoid the risk of spoiling the product in storage.But if the price in the market was P1, consumers would be willing to purchase more sugar (Q2) at the reduced price.However, since the price is below the equilibrium price, traders will only provide a smaller amount of sugar given that low price might not be able to cover their production costs.A shortage is created since demand exceeds the quantity supplied resulting in a market disequilibrium. In a free market the price is expected to increase to Pe, the equilibrium price forced b y scarcity.The scarcity principle suggests that the price of a scarce commodity will increase until an equilibrium is reached between supply and demand effectively limiting access to those only who can afford to pay for the commodity.In this scenario, however, unlike in the case of sugar above where the price reverts to Pe, it is possible that this could lead to an increase in equilibrium price and a reduction in equilibrium quantity. This means that with scarcity, there is an opportunity to make more by producing less.This principle suggests that humans will consider a scarce commodity to be more valuable as compared to one that is in abundance.It thus creates a sense of urgency and triggers consumers to act immediately before the commodity is no longer available.For example, when British Airways in 2003 announced the reduction of London-New York flights from twice daily to only one for the Concorde after it became unprofitable to run, sales took off the very next day.THE PSYCHOLOG Y OF SCARCITY MARKETINGIt can be argued that to some extent we generally want something that we cannot have and we absolutely love to flaunt when we have something that others don’t have.As a marketer, you can take advantage of this desire as a sales tactic to stimulate demand and sales through mystic and enticement.Rather than just stopping at communicating the value and benefits customers will get from buying your product or choosing your service, it is important to put across your unique proposition and make it clear what is at stake for them if they do not consider your proposal.Faced with scarcity, customers conduct their own cost-benefit analysis and as a marketer, you will only be successful if they find that the utility derived from purchasing the product or service at the given moment is greater than what they would get if they purchased the same product at a later date, probably even at a cheaper price.The consumer must be able to see the benefit of obtaining the product is higher than the cost incurred for obtaining it.In a 1975 study published by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, researchers Worchel Stephen, Lee Jerry  and Adewole Akanbi wanted to know how undergraduate students would value the same cookies in two identical jars if different quantities were put in them.The students valued the one in the near-empty jar more highly than the ones in the full jar despite the cookies and the jars being identical.Given hypothetical explanations for the abundance or scarcity of the cookies in the jars, students viewed those that changed from abundant to scarce as more valuable than those that were constantly scarce.Cookies that were scarce because of high demand were rated to be more valuable than those that were scarce because of an accident.Those that were constantly abundant were rated much higher than those that started scarce but later became abundant.It goes to show that scarcity, especially that resulting from high demand rather t han low production, may signal some superior characteristic about the product.The consumer thinks that other people must know something about the product that he/she does not.There are two psychology principles associated with this phenomenon.Social proof â€" the assumption that surrounding people have more knowledge about the situation than oneself and as such a fast-selling commodity is seen by the consumer as having great quality.Commitment â€" when someone has already committed themselves to purchase a product or service and find out there is a huge chance of not having it, it makes them want it more.The rush to purchase a scarce object is a manifestation of Psychologist Daniel Kahneman’s Loss Aversion Theory based on research that suggests the pain of losing something is psychologically almost about as twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining the same thing.This is tied up with Sigmund Freud’s Pleasure Principle â€" people’s instinctive tendency of seeking pleasure an d avoiding pain for biological and psychological gains.SUCCESSFUL UTILISATION OF THE SCARCITY PRINCIPLESo how has this principle been deployed by brands over the years?To illustrate how effective incorporating the scarcity principle in marketing your product or service, we take a look at some of the most successful deployments of scarcity in marketing.Snapchat SpectaclesIn September 2016, the social media app’s parent company Snap Inc., launched Snapchat Spectacles â€" sunglasses that could record 10-second videos from the perspective of the wearer.Instead of typically distributing them via their online shop or at stores, Snap Inc. unveiled the new product at Snapbots â€" smiley Snapchat-themed vending machines that were randomly placed in cities across the US.This was without prior announcement of the launch generating huge interest online as bloggers and social media influencers kept talking about the unique strategy.The device was only available on the single day the Snapbot wa s in your city, attracting huge queues of people trying to beat each other before the machine ran out.MediaKix projects that by 2020, Snapchat Spectacles will achieve $5 Billion in salesPappy Van WinkleRegarded as one of the finest bourbons in the world, Pappy Van Winkle is the dream for the whiskey connoisseur.With only 7000 cases produced in a year, whiskey lovers have to part with hundreds of dollars a bottle from the few liquor stores that might be lucky to have purchased a few from the very limited number of suppliers.Due to its high demand, bourbon aficionados  are known to show up in droves for the small chance of buying one in a lottery or auction.NintendoWhen Japan-based video game company, Nintendo launched the Wii gaming console back in 2006 it was a smashing success, save for the fact that for the next three years the company seemed never able to stock enough units for the US market.This was a deliberate move to artificially create intense demand by starting off with a l ow production number ensuring customers would be clamouring to buy a Wii right off the bat.Wii sold more units in the US than the  Xbox 360  and  PlayStation 3  combined in the first half of 2007 and became the fastest selling console in Australian history and in the United Kingdom at the time.StarbucksJumping on the 2017 trend of highly Instragrammable unicorn-themed, rainbow-hued food and beverages, Starbucks introduced a pinkish-purple-and-blue coffee-free fruity drink called the ‘Unicorn Frappuccino’ stating it would be available for a few days.Starbucks was flooded with orders with the drink selling out on the first day with over 160,000 #UnicornFrappuccino posts on Instagram.Another successful scarcity marketing campaign executed by Starbucks was the serving of coffee in reusable #RedCups for one day only during the December holiday season which also ran out first angering customers who were forced to drive around to find a store that still had them in stock.Users would ge t $0.5 off every purchase with the cup available for $2 from the day after.SCARCITY TECHNIQUESAs we have observed in the above examples, the principle can typically be used in two broad ways;Limited number: The item is in short supply and once it runs out it will not be available.Limited time (deadline): The item or service is only available only during the stated period only.Limited-Number TechniquesOut of StockA classic example of the social proof psychological principle, if a product runs out of stock frequently, customers think that it is popular among the general population and must therefore be of good quality.For example, British shirtmaker T.M. Lewin online store indicates the design, size and cut of the shirts that are currently out of stock.A customer is then encouraged to leave their email address to be informed when they restock.Only ‘X’ LeftAs in the cookie jar experiment where a reduction in the cookies led to a higher rating of perceived quality, when you visit ap plications or websites involving booking of hotels, movies and events, you might have noticed a disclaimer that there are only a limited number of spaces remaining.This pushes the consumers to make an immediate purchase.You may have an experience of missing out on a hotel or flight because you waited a few days to book.Booking.com for example heightens the urgency of making an immediate booking by displaying people simultaneously viewing the same hotel with you and the number of times it has been booked in the last hour.Invite-OnlySpotify’s entry into the US Market after a huge popularity in Europe came as an opportunity to increase their paid membership by limiting entry to the free service to invite-only.You have to choose either between waiting for an invite or paying for unlimited or premium service.Smartphone brand OnePlus used a similar strategy to add hype and mystique during launch and to manage demand, selling nearly a million phones from over 25 million invites to their website in the first year without opening a single store.This technique appeals to our innate attraction to exclusivity and the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) best illustrated in Steve Whyley’s social experiment with the 11K Club â€" a mysterious club with only 11,000 slots and one exceptional benefit which you’d only know by joining.For Limited UsersSimilar to the invite-only tactic, marketers can sometimes introduce special offers for certain users only. This creates a sense of longing for those missing out and superiority for that special category of users.This will typically occur in services with a tier of users such as football club or cinema membership where tickets can be availed first to the top ranked members cascading to the lowest and general public.For technology products, paid-up users may take advantage of discounts or pre-releases, while free users have to upgrade to enjoy the same.Limited Edition As we have seen with some of the examples above, limited stock doesn†™t necessarily have to be a product of high demand, it can be a deliberate sales strategy.Remember when Adidas debuted Kanye West’s Yeezy Boost 350 in 2015?They were completely sold out within minutes of being available for purchase online.The air of exclusivity attributed to limited edition articles such as watches, leather bags etc. taps into our inherent desire to stand out and acquire status symbols that others don’t have.Deadline (Limited-Time) TechniquesFlash SalesA flash sale is a discount or a type of promotion where the cost of purchase is greatly reduced than run-of-the-mill discounts, lasting for only a short period of time.The quantity may be limited as in end of year sales which coupled up with the very low prices triggers the urgency of making an immediate purchase or more accurately, impulse buying.Even when the product may be available at a later date with little difference in price, the term ‘flash sale’ emblazoned on storefronts or at the landing page of th e online store triggers similar urgency.Purchase CountdownsA retailer can define the scarcity parameters on an e-commerce website by putting a timer or countdown.The customer is now well aware of how much time is left for them to make a decision and with it comes urgency.On eBay, for instance, a countdown timer is used to ignite last-minute bidding wars amongst prospective buyers effective driving up the price tag of a scarce item.A majority of websites have a checkout timer to encourage the user to make a purchase as soon as their basket is full rather than later.Sale Price CountdownA countdown timer can also be deployed to emphasize the amount of time left before a product is no longer available at the discounted price.TigerDirect.com, for example, place a massive countdown timer in addition to their daily sales to trigger a FOMO for the deal of the day which would appear to not be available any time soon after the expiry.Limited Time Shipping When Girlfriend Collective launched i ts website in 2016, the brand offered its social media followers a free $100 pair of leggings for the cost of shipping for a limited time and sharing the link to its website on Facebook to spread the word.They effectively utilised word-of-mouth to drive traffic to the website.A countdown can also be leveraged in the context of free or next-day shipping as normally used on Amazon to notify the customer the exact time remaining for the seller to guarantee timely shipping spurring the customer to make a purchase.Seasonal SpecialsThe holidays seasons don’t last forever and as such when customers see holiday/seasonal offers they do see scarcity which drives sales.Some retailers such as Modcloth create special designs available only during the specific holiday such as Christmas sweaters, Starbucks sells pumpkin spice flavoured drinks only in the fall and for a premium too!CAUTION: WHAT TO CONSIDERInvoking the Scarcity Principle to sell or promote a promote a product or service can be a very effective persuasion strategy, but it can also backfire horribly as it did for two iOS productivity apps Tempo and Mailbox that released their services to a small group of users similar to Facebook’s fashion but kept others waiting indefinitely.If you overuse scarcity, it will be a matter of time before your customers catch on after realising you are ‘running out of stock’ every week or hosting flash sales every too often.Remember what the findings of the cookie jar experiment taught us; a product that is scarce because of high demand and not accident or what we could call artificial sales is rated higher in terms of perceived quality.This is as compared to items that are consistently scarce from the beginning or those that started off scarce and now are abundant with the latter actually decreasing its perceived value.In a study published on the Social Behaviour and Personality Journal, researchers found that when consumers interpreted scarcity claims as a sales tactic, i t’s positive on consumer purchase decision are diluted.In line with the cookie jar experiment, Aggarwal, Jun and Huh in a 2013 article on the Journal of Advertising observed that limited-quantity messages are more effective than limited-time messages in influencing consumers purchase intentions.It is important to note that scarcity alone will not net you your desired sales levels alone, it has to be used in combination with other factors including a great, well-differentiated product design and a proper market assessment.One important consideration is the knowledge you have about your target audience.Can they get by with alternatives?If this is a possibility, what unique feature does your product or service have?Would your customers be motivated by scarcity or could they resent it?WRAPPING UPAccording to the scarcity people, people will ascribe greater value to an item that is in short supply and lesser value to an item that is in abundant supply.As a marketer, you can take advant age of the scarcity principle to drive the sales of your products by creating artificial scarcity.When doing this, however, it is important to make your artificial scarcity seem authentic, else customers will see through your games and perceive your products as less valuable.