Wednesday, December 25, 2019

American Government - 733 Words

The Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia (1967) resulted in the striking down of state laws that prohibited whites and African Americans from marrying. Mildred Loving, one of the parties in the case, issued a statement on the fortieth-anniversary of her case in which she urged that same-sex couples be allowed to marry. Q. Are the two issues—laws prohibiting interracial marriage and laws prohibiting same-sex marriage—similar? Why or why not? I believe laws prohibiting interracial marriage and laws prohibiting same-sex marriage are similar. Marriage is a unique bond between a man and a woman, who agree to live together and fulfill each others moral and physical demands. However, such a bondage between a woman and a woman or a man and†¦show more content†¦Randall Kennedy’s Interracial Intimacies, saw that opponents’ arguments against interracial relationships mirrored those of gay rights opponents. In Loving, Virginia’s Supreme Court justifie d a ban on interracial marriages by citing religious beliefs. Others argued against it on the grounds that it violated natural order, same is the case with same-sex marriages. the American Psychiatric Association considered homosexuality a psychological disorder until 1973. Marriages are sought majorly as a foundation for having children, the relation to procreation is different in gay relationships. The live-and-let-live phenomenon practiced by most Americans doesn’t apply to this spectrum, as it didn’t apply to interracial marriages before 1967. Majority of the Americans are against it from both the political spheres. President Clinton, during his reign signed the defense of marriage act, which refuses to recognize gay marriages, despite his election platform for gay rights. Also, the lynching of Matthew Shepard in 1998 revealed that homosexuality triggered the same kind of violence and fear that was generated in the past by black-white sexual relations. Plus, a simi lar inversion of family values appears in opponents arguments against gay marriage and in the historical argument against interracial sex. Casual sex is more tolerable thanShow MoreRelatedAmerican Government Essay example684 Words   |  3 PagesAmerican Government Each type of government holds different views as to the role the leaders and citizens should perform in their country .Different types of government include, oligarchy where the government is run by the best leaders, Tyranny, where they believe those in power should have complete control over its people. In the United States of America, we believe in democracy, rule by the majority. The main problem with our type of government is maintaining it. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Globalization And Its Impact On Society - 942 Words

Globalization has, from the late twentieth century, led nations and their borders to be called into questions. Populations, often driven by their youths, now have instant access to information on everything that happened around the world. Meanwhile, and because of this globalization, states have been forced to open up to the world and to free their borders to facilitate exchanges. Therefore, people began to feel less constrained by their nationality and became what is often referred to as citizens of the world, free to move and settle, at least theoretically, wherever they wish. This leads to wonder whether this dematerialization of nations has done away with nationalist and patriotic sentiments for these citizens of the world, or if it leads them to return on their own core identities. In fact, it seems that the two phenomena are simultaneously present within these globalized societies. Globalization has led many nations to open their borders and host populations from all over the world. Evidently, these nations are the ones that have developed through this primarily economic globalization, primarily in what is considered to be the Western world, but also in Asia and the Middle East. These nations opened their borders to people coming mainly from the â€Å"Eastern world,† including those from South Asia, who had not yet experienced the development caused by globalization, and who sought new opportunities. These new populations, with new citizenships, are based on the principleShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Globalization On The Society1114 Words   |  5 Pages The Impact of Globalization 3 Introduction The effects of globalization are visible everywhere. The mixing of cultures and races throughout our society is everywhere. It’s on television, in our homes and woven into our workplace. 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As both positive and negative views exist on globalization; using just the word globalization isn’t specific enough to understand these viewpoints. Knowing the different types of globalization will allow a person to form their own opinion whether or not each individual type of globalization has a positive or negative impact on society. Cultural globalizationRead MoreGlobalization And Its Impact On Society1637 Words   |  7 Pages1. Introduction Globalization as ‘the acutely adamant affiliation of economies, societies and cultures into a borderless accepted communications [technology] and accumulation arrangement [is] a world-transforming process, not all which is pleasant,’ (Morrison, 2010, p. 32). Although globalization is, and will apparently abide for some time, one of ‘a lot of ambiguous and misunderstood’ concepts, there is some accepted arena to be beginning an allotment of all the confusion (White, 2008). 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Personally, before enrolling in this class, I thought I knew what the general idea of globalization was, as rudimentary and elementary as my knowledge of the topic had been. However, after only exposing myself to a minuscule amount of cultural literature throughout the course of this class thus far, I have greatly expanded my understanding of what the true meaning of globalization is: a process thatRead MoreGlobalization And Its Impact On Society Essay1550 Words   |  7 PagesGlobalization defines practically all facets of modern life. The jobs availabl e to the public, the cultures people embody/emulate, the relationships individuals engage in, are all continuously altered by the profound forces of the globalizing process. Capital, people, images, commodities and ideology transcend national borders, and information races around the globe at accelerating speeds (Inda 4). The theme of globalization has emerged generating considerable amounts of controversy in its wake,Read MoreGlobalization And Its Impact On Society Essay1980 Words   |  8 Pagesphenomenon is called globalization. As humans continue to advance technologically, we, as humans, will become more unified. This unification has many benefits. We will be able to work together on an economical, political, and social level. The state-of-the-art capabilities in commerce and trading between countries globalization fosters immense economical growth. Consequently, this growth will lead to an increase in jobs and overall economic health. Nevertheless, some claim that globalizat ion will have certain

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Social Business Summit Hospitality Industry-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Social Business Summit On Hospitality Industry? Answer: Introducation Travelling all over the world from Europe to Asia, Africa to Antarctica represents a bonding among people in diversity. A hospitality industry primarily aims to assemble people belonging to different geographical backgrounds and attitudes (Richards and van Derark 2013). A business tourism sector can flourish after the meeting of different visitors from numerous geographical backgrounds. Thus, social business summit can gather people from various cultural attitudes and religious backgrounds. Therefore, we have arranged a social business event on 10th September of 2017 in the city of Melbourne. People from different geographical backgrounds and cultures are allowed to attend the event. Many eminent business personalities belonging to the hospitality sector will attend the social business event (Jamaludin and Kadir 2012). They are going to share their expert ideas and views about the importance of travelling in enhancing the practical knowledge and experience of human being. On 10th September of 2017 we have designed a program on social business managemet event. This year we are going to showcase numerous thoughts and ideas regarding tourist destinations and its significance. Eminent personalities from tourism business sectors in this specific event are going to introduce their upcoming brands and service facilities (Ziakas 2013). Viewers who are going to attend the event are successful enough in getting in-depth overview about the tourist destinations of Australia and its significance. People from different geographical market are not very much aware of the tourist spot. Therefore, the business executives are going to provide detailed information about the destination as well as recommended hotels. This is to inform you that this particular event is related to social business summit (Connell, Page and Meyer 2015). Therefore, the primary purpose of the business executives is not to promote their brands but to give an in-depth overview about the tourist destination all over Australia. The viewers would get to know the significance of different spots and their flexibility. Some of the major factors affect the customer behavior of tourists. Especially any ki nd of political issue happening at the tourist destination hampers minds of customers. This particular social business event can help you to enhance your knowledge about the significance of various spots and its risk factors. Travelling is an integral part of human life (Gibson, Kaplanidou and Kang 2012). This particular outline is the key concept of organizing social business summit. People belonging to various geographical boundaries are flexible enough in attending the event. In this specific event around 500 delegates coming from different business organizations of hospitality sectors are going to attend and deliver their speech. Our organizers are ready to provide you transport facilities. People who are from international background can communicate with destination management company (DMCs). The responsibility of DMC is to coordinate with the visitors regarding visa, transport as well as accommodation. The customers are from different geographical backgrounds. They have to face barriers in communicating with our crews associated with operation process. This is to inform you that our executives are flexible enough in communicating with the people of various cultural backgrounds and attitudes. The event will be organized at a big conference hall with the attendance of different eminent business scholars. Sufficient amount of food and beverage will be there at the time of event. You do not need to carry food with you in order to attend the business event. Around 70 exhibitors are involved for controlling the overall process of event. Melbourne is the city where you can prevail in a convenient way. You do not need to struggle in reaching the city of Melbourne. In order to make the entire event successful your cooperation is highly needed. We have designed a plan for make our event successful. Therefore, the entire crew is highly waiting for your response. 500 delegates are there to deliver their speech regarding the values and importance of travelling. You are flexible enough in interacting with our DMCs without any hesitation. The service providers are having multi-lingual flexibility. Therefore, you do not need to struggle in communicating with our personals. You are welcome to attend this event and enlighten your expert advice. The primary purpose of arranging a social business event is to convey the message beyond going regional boundaries. Australia is very much recognized for marvelous tourist destination where large number of visitors from different geographical boundaries tends to visit different spot. This particular social business event aims to give an in-depth knowledge and ideas about the importance of travelling in various destinations. People belonging to diverse culture can get detailed knowledge and views about the flexibility of hospitality industry of Australia. Reference List: Connell, J., Page, S.J. and Meyer, D., 2015. Visitor attractions and events: Responding to seasonality.Tourism Management,46, pp.283-298. Gibson, H.J., Kaplanidou, Business, S.J., 2012. Small-scale event sport tourism: A case study in sustainable tourism.Sport management review,15(2), pp.160-170. Jamaludin, M. and Kadir, S.A., 2012. Accessibility in Buildings of Tourist Attraction: A case studies comparison.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,35, pp.97-104. Richards, G. and van Derark, L.A., 2013. Dimensions of cultural consumption among tourists: Multiple correspondence analysis. Tourism Management,37, pp.71-76. Ziakas, V., 2013. A multidimensional investigation of a regional event portfolio: Advancing theory and praxis.Event Management,17(1), pp.27-48.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Oliver Twist Essays (939 words) - Fiction, Literature, Film

Oliver Twist With all of the symbolism and moral issues represented in Oliver Twist, all seem to come from real events from the life of its author, Charles Dickens. The novels protagonist, Oliver, is a good person at heart surrounded by the filth of the London streets. Filth that Dickens himself was forced to deal with in his everyday life. But through morals and mere chance Oliver becomes a living symbol. It?s probable that the reason Oliver Twist contains so much fear and agony is because it?s a reflection of occurrences in Charles Dickens' past. During his childhood, Charles Dickens suffered much abuse from his parents. This abuse is often expressed in his novel. While at the orphanage, Oliver experienced a great amount of abuse. For example, while suffering from starvation and malnutrition for a long period of time, Oliver was chosen by the other boys at the orphanage to request more gruel at dinner one night. After making this simple request, the master (at the orphanage) aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arms; and shrieked aloud for the beadle. The whole beginning of Oliver Twist's story was created from memories which related to Charles Dickens' childhood in a blacking factory (which was overshadowed by the Marshalsea Prison ). While working in the blacking factory, Dickens suffered tremendous humiliation. This humiliation is greatly expressed through Oliver's adventures at the orphanage before he is sent away. Throughout his lifetime, Dickens appeared to have acquired a fondness for "the bleak, the sordid, and the austere.? (Bloom 231) Most of Oliver Twist, for example, takes place in London's lowest slums. The city is described as a maze which involves a "mystery of darkness, anonymity, and peril." (Bloom 232) Many of the settings, such as the pickpocket's hideout, the surrounding streets, and the bars, are also described as dark, gloomy, and bland. Even while his life was in danger while in the hands of Fagin and Bill Sikes, two conniving pickpockets, he refused to participate in the stealing which he so greatly opposed. All Oliver really longed for was ?to escape from harsh living conditions and evil surroundings which he had grown up in.? (Walder 299) However, no matter how tempting the evil may have been, Oliver stood by his beliefs. Therefore, he can be referred to as: Unfortunately, many critics have found it hard to believe that a boy such as Oliver Twist could remain so innocent, pure, and well spoken given the long period of time in which he was surrounded by evil and injustices. Fagin the head of a group of young thieves, spends most of his time trying to "demoralize and corrupt Oliver and prevent him from ever coming into his inheritance." (Hobsbaum 72) To Oliver, he is seen as an escape from all previous misery. He also helps Oliver to ease any fears about starvation and loneliness. One element relied heavily upon in this novel is symbolism. Obviously, escape is an important symbol in Oliver Twist. Oliver is seeking various forms of escape from conditions which makes him unhappy and from his loneliness and starvation. Since dealing with escapism, it is not surprising that death also plays a major role as a symbol in this story. In the novel, death and coffins symbolize a happy and peaceful manner of escape. It is suggested that only loneliness and brutality exist on earth. Supposedly, there is no sanctity on the planet, which is a belief that goes against the idea of a ?Heaven on earth.? (Praz 54) Another important symbol within the novel is "two separate and conflicting dualisms: one, social, between the individual and the institution; the second, moral, between the respectable and the criminal." (Praz 56) Most of Oliver Twist seems to imply that "it is better to be a thief than to be alone." (Walder 152) This tends to make the reader think that Dickens favors the criminal aspect of his novel over the moral side. However, the conflict between the individual and the institution leads to Dickens' criticism of social injustices such as injusticestowards the poor. Also in the form of satire, Dickens attempts to "challenge the pleasurability of fortune." (Romano 81) Aside from satire, Dickens uses various other devices in writing this novel. One of the most common is that of coincidence. For example, Oliver just happened to end up, first, at the house of Mr. Brownlow, who at one time was a really good friend of Oliver's father. Then, later on, Oliver ends up at Rose Maylie's house,

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Best Jobs for Retired Military

Best Jobs for Retired Military Statistics show that the majority of those who choose an army career retire at the age of thirty-nine and officers stick it out for a little longer, retiring at forty-six. Unlike in other careers, retiring from the army while you’re still young, vibrant, and full of energy means that you don’t want to sit around the house and watch TV, dont you? You still have a lot of life left in you and you want to use it to the full. With more than two million veterans on the job hunt, finding a job that is as rewarding as the army can be a challenge but there are many highly profitable opportunities out there if you know where to look. Below is a list of some possible after army careers that just may be the perfect solution for an ambitious veteran. Jobs for a People Person 1.Operations Manager This is the perfect leadership job. The person who holds this position will be responsible for making sure that their organization runs smoothly and efficiently. They will coordinate between various departments to make sure that the product or service is completed on time and to the client’s satisfaction. Requirements: Depending on the company you work for entrance requirements could vary where some will require a demonstration of leadership ability while others may require a Bachelor’s Degree. Salary: $97,730 2.Customer Service Representative If you’re a people person then a customer service job is ideal. They are the people that interact with the public, providing customers with information and assistance about the company’s products and services. They handle complaints and deal with whatever problems or issues arise. Requirements: Most positions only require a high school diploma to get in the door and most companies provide on the job training. The person best suited for this type of job is a good communicator and good computer skills. Once you get in the door, the job can easily lead to supervisory positions for those who are more motivated. Salary: $31,720 3.Marketing Manager As a marketing manager you would be responsible for determining the public need for your company’s products and/or services. Managers identify and seek out potential customers and follow competitor’s trends and use their research to develop marketing plans that will help their company grow. Requirements: Ideally, you will need a Bachelor’s Degree in either marketing, communications, or business. Salary: $128,750 4.Registered Nurse Another job that is perfect for the people person is a registered nurse. As a nurse you will manage patient care, educating those who are ill, injured or disabled on how to take care of their health and you may be called upon to give advice or just to be a source of comfort and support during their recovery process. Requirements: In order to get licensed by the state where you will be practicing you will first need to earn a diploma or certificate from an approved nursing program or you’ll have to get at least an Associates or Bachelor’s Degree in nursing. Salary: $67,490 Jobs for a Technology-Admirer 1.Computer Information Systems Manager CIS Managers have oversight over their companies computer activities. This might include recommending the technology needed, making sure that any technical problems related to computer systems are taken care of, and training employees on how to use the technology properly. Requirements: Most companies require at least a Bachelor’s Degree in computer science and a little bit of experience may also be required. Salary: $131,600 2.Aircraft Aviation Technician Aircraft Technicians are responsible for keeping everything that flies up in the air. This means they have to take care of maintenance, diagnosing problems, and repairs of aircraft engines. This is a very important job as they are responsible for people’s lives. Requirements: While a degree is not required, technicians need a mechanic’s certification with the appropriate rating from the FAA for the type of aircraft they will be working on. Salary: $58,370 3.First-line Supervisor: Transportation, Material-Moving Vehicle Operators This job is perfect for those who like to be on the move. If you’re at all reluctant to be tied down to an office you’ll be moving around a lot here. Responsible for supervising the logistics involved with moving people and goods you can be working in any field from refuse to freighters. Requirements: All that is needed in this field is a high-school diploma or its equivalent and some work experience. Military veterans usually get first pick at a job like this. Salary: $55,860 4.Cyber Security Analyst This job is like the cyber police force. Their role is to find ways to protect computer networks from infiltration. As businesses become more and more tech savvy, these jobs will only increase in demand. You could find yourself working anywhere from a government office to a private company. Requirements: While most companies will require a Bachelor’s Degree, many will forego that for your military background if you have experience in computer systems. Salary:$90,120 And if you can’t find the job you like, you can always use this opition Entrepreneur Military training is the perfect platform for tomorrow’s business leaders. The discipline, skills, perspective, and goal driven state of mind they develop while serving in the armed forces bring amazing advantages to the business world and if they choose a business opportunity that they are passionate about they definitely have the drive to make it happen. Salary: the sky is the limit The skills learned as a military professional can be put to use in many ways after you leave. The fact is you have the very skills that many businesses need to develop in order to be successful. There are plenty of rewarding opportunities for veterans to take advantage of that can carry that spirit of the military forward so that everyone in the community can benefit. You just need to know where to look.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Agents in Tourism Industry Research Paper

Agents in Tourism Industry Research Paper Agents in Tourism Industry Research Paper Research Paper on Agents in Tourism Industry: Tourism presents one of the fastest growing industries in the world because information and communication technology has enabled people to identify tourism destinations worthy a visit. Although the trend appears similar to both developing and developed nations, the former have witnessed unprecedented rise in the number of tourists from around the world coming to enjoy scenic land features and ecosystems. In effect, governments have responded correspondingly by enhancing the role they play in tourism development. In emerging nations (such as Thailand and South Africa) and developing countries (such as Kenya), tourism contributes a significant part to the national economies. Common in other countries, governments have begun to play the role of planners, managers, facilitators, stimulators, and regulators of tourism activities in an effort to promote development in their tourism sectors (Sharpley Telfer 2002). In addition, some players have come up to complement the efforts of the gove rnments and others, to protect the environment and local communities against the capitalist desires of the government. Private enterprises provide support in form of investment and advice to state institutions involved in tourism. Local communities identify and report to government about potential tourist sites and regions as well as protecting the natural and cultural resources against destruction. Other major agents in tourism industry in the countries include multinational agencies, non-governmental organizations, and media, among others. The governments have formed various partnerships with the other agents from the private sector to work cooperatively in promoting sustainable growth of respective tourism sectors (Huybers 2007). Although the partnerships have worked well in some cases, they have encountered various hurdles in other cases that have limited their success. The current research explores the various agents involved in tourism industry in developing and emerging nations. It examines the role of government institutions and roles of other players, including media, international organizations, local communities, and others. The research also explores the nature of partnership between private and public organizations in the countries. Government’ s Role The legislative, executive, and judiciary arms of government have great influence on tourism development in many countries, including both developed and developing countries. In third world countries, the level of influence depends on the perceived economic importance that tourism holds in the overall economy and the extent of the relationships between different government institutions as well as political, social, and cultural characteristics of the nations. Although government institutions vary from one country to another depending on the type of government (for example, democratic or communist), the major institutions that have significant influence on the tourism industry include central and local (or provincial) governments, law enforcement agencies, administrative units, courts, and other units of governance. According to Sharpley and Telfer (2002), the major roles played by governments of emerging and developing nations include planning, management, policymaking and regulation , investment, protection of interests of different stakeholders, social tourism, and promotion. Planning Government plans for all major development activities and operations in the tourism industry. Majority of tourist attractions include natural endowments, such as natural ecosystems, attractive natural sceneries, and other natural features in different countries (Huybers 2007). Since tourism value of such endowments form a significant part of national economies in developing countries, government has a major obligation to plan on how tourism operations and other related activities should be carried out to protect and preserve the endowments. The plans may involve a wide range of operations, including maps of land usage in areas neighboring the endowments, marketing plans, layouts of infrastructure (roads, accommodation facilities, and other support services), and plans of the recommended modes of transport in different tourist attraction sites. The planning may be short-term or long-term, demonstrating how government expects development of tourism sector to be in future. For instance, Thailand government has been involved in various planning activities owing to the significant role played by tourism in the national economy. In 2008, the government released a marketing plan explaining how it intends to promote the various tourist destinations in the country (Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) n.d.). In the same year, Kenyan government also released its tourism strategic plan for the period from 2008 to 2012, showing how the government expects to promote its tourist attractions, fund development of its tourism sector, and monitor tourist operations (Ministry of Tourism (MOT), Kenya n.d.). Management Tourism development involves collaborative efforts of many stakeholders, including government, international players, local societies, private sector groups, and many others. Thus, it is essential for the government to manage or coordinate these stakeholders in an effort to ensure smooth operations in the sector. Government manages the activities of the various stakeholders to minimize replication of efforts among themselves and to align their practices with the objectives and goals laid down in planning (Sharpley Telfer 2002). Without government coordination, it is not be possible for the various public institutions and other stakeholders to know areas conducive to tourism development, government plans in place to promote tourism development in various regions, and the efforts being made by other stakeholders in achieving development objectives. As a result, stakeholders would reproduce efforts of other players in the sector, a situation likely to lead to increased development acti vities in some areas of the sector at the expense of others. Therefore, government’s role as a manager of the tourism industry serves to harmonize the efforts of all players with objectives of tourism plans for even development in all tourism areas within the country. In many developing countries, governments establish specialized public institutions to coordinate activities of domestic and international tourism operators. For instance, Department of Tourism in Kenya is the government unit responsible for managing all activities related to tourism development in the country. In Thailand, TAT coordinates activities of domestic tourism agents and international partners to ensure balanced development in all sectors of the tourism industry according to government plans. The Department of Tourism, South Africa has a legal mandate to manage development activities at provincial, national, and international levels to ensure that they are in line with government goals regarding touris m industry in the country (Lubbe 2003). Regulation and Legislation Government develops and implements legislations intended to regulate development in the tourism industry. It formulates various legislations to control tourism operations in an effort to promote development in the sector, type and nature of stakeholders to participate in the industry, to establish and conserve natural endowments perceived as tourist attractions. In addition, it also implements laws to regulate contributions of other sectors of the economy to tourism. For instance, legislative efforts to regulate entry of foreigners into the country, taxes paid by citizens and foreigners, protection of the environment, and labor inevitably affect development activities in tourism industry. Tourism legislative framework in Kenya demonstrates the nature of the regulative role of government in the industry. The country has a comprehensive Wildlife Conservation and Management Act (WCMA) that controls tourist activities in specific sites (lakes, ocean, forests, and land features) as well a s other related ecological sources that influence survival of the tourist sites. It has also enacted other laws to control operations that support tourism, including the Hotels and Restaurants Act (HRA) and the Tourist Industry Licensing Act (TILA) (MOT, Kenya n.d.). Investment In any developing, emerging, or developed nation, government invests heavily in tourism industry to complement investment efforts by the private individuals and organizations. It not only invests in those areas perceived as capital-intensive projects, but also in regions considered unworthy for investment by private entrepreneurs. In many developing nations, governments have invested heavily in establishing museums, national parks, game reserves, beaches, roads, airports, airline, other transportation means, hospitals, and other tourism related infrastructure. They have also undertaken investment in other low-risk projects, such as accommodation and travel services. For instance, Thailand government has established more than 100 national parks, comprising of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems that serve as tourist attractions (TAT n.d.). It has also build an effective road network, making the parks easily accessible to both domestic and international tourists. Facilitation Government role as a facilitator of tourism development has a great influence on growth of the tourism industry in emerging and developing nations. It facilitates development in a wide range of ways. Through law enforcement agencies, it ensures security and safety of tourists and tourism operators and their investments (Sharpley Telfer 2002). For instance, Kenyan government created a dedicated tourist police unit to ensure security and safety of tourist while visiting the various parks and attractions in the country. It can also stimulate development through provision of subsidies, grants, and tax breaks to encourage private individuals and firms to invest in the sector as well as to attract tourists. A good example is Thailand where it refunds value-added tax (VAT) tariffs to tourists when they purchase goods and other items at designed retail centers. Other Influences Government plays other roles, such as promotion of their countries as tourist destinations, development of social tourism, and safeguarding of interests of the public (Sharpley Telfer 2002). It establishes various products to market the various tourist attractions available in the nation in an effort to attract tourists and investors into the sector. In other countries, such as Kenya and Thailand, government promotes social tourism, encouraging tourists to visit the countries to witness and learn about various cultures espoused by different communities. Government also participates in tourism development by protecting the interests of the public against exploitation by private investors. It gives some part of revenues collected in tourist attractions back to the neighboring communities and requires private investors to establish corporate social responsibility programs to improve living standards of people living in regions adjacent to their facilities. Role of Others Agents Besides government, other parties in Third World countries play significant roles in tourism industry. Among others, they include local communities, private enterprises, media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and multinational agencies. Local Communities Like government, local communities have greatest influence on development of tourism industry. Environmental conservation remains the major role of local societies, as they coexist with various tourist attractions available in their country. They have a responsibility to coexist with biodiversity within ecosystems and report any environmental malpractice by some of their members, public officers, and private investors to the relevant authorities. In majority of developing countries, the communities have become essential components of cultural tourism. They form cultural groups to attract local and foreign tourists to come and see their cultural heritage as well as to entertain the tourists when they visit neighboring sites. For example, Kenya is well known internationally for its wide variety of cultural tourist activities organized by various local communities. Tourists to Masai Mara National Reserve have the opportunity to enjoy not only the vast diversity of animals, but also the cultural heritage (dances, houses, and dressing) of Masai community, one of few Kenyan communities that have preserved its culture amidst widespread influence of Western cultures on way of life of many Kenyans (MOT, Kenya n.d.). According to Lubbe (2003), local people may invest into the tourism industry as private investors or partner with government, NGOs, and international agencies to establish projects that foster tourism development. In various countries, communities have partnered with the government and NGOs to advocate for sustainable tourism development. They have championed for doing tourism operations and activities in a way that protects and conserves the environment, which influences greatly survival of the various ecosystems serving as tourist destinations. Moreover, the communities can also play a role of domestic tourists by visiting national parks, game reserves, and other attractions within their countries. Private Enterprises In developing or emerging nations, Sharpley and Telfer (2002) argue that private investors complement entrepreneurial role of government in the tourism sector. The major contributions of the private enterprises include investments in the travel and hotel and accommodation industries. In the travel industry, they establish travel agencies to offer various services to tourists. They serve as travel agents who approach potential tourists and organize all travel requirements, including visas for the tourists. They also organize means of transport for the tourists during visits to the various tourist destinations within their nations. In majority of developing countries, private investors remain the major travel agents of tourists. In hotel and accommodation industry, they invest heavily in hotels and restaurants in regions surrounding tourism sites. Through the investments, they offer employment opportunities to many local people, thereby improving living standards of local communities. In addition, they support government in development of infrastructure in regions where they operate. For instance, they build roads and invest in conservation projects in tourism sites where their facilities are located as a way to attract tourists to their businesses. Media Media’s role in the sector involves marketing and bringing awareness among all stakeholders about the tourism in emerging or Third World nations (Lubbe 2003). Domestic and international media run different programs intended to promote various tourism sites and adventures offered by such sites in a bid to encourage people to visit those sites. Emergence of internet and computer technology has provided a means to the government to promote tourist destinations to people around the world. In the case of Kenya, Thailand, and South Africa, every government has integrated information technology to support tourism promotional activities. Anybody in the world can access these websites to learn most the details about tourism in the nations, including various destinations, interactive maps showing how to get to the destinations, various attractive features to expect in the sites, nearby hotels, relevant travel agents, and rates of the services. Thus, potential tourists can choose on thei r own potential destinations to visit and plan effectively. As an education tool, it provides a platform through which different stakeholders can understand, learn, and enjoy opportunities offered by various regions within a country. It brings awareness among public about various tourist destinations within their country and importance of conserving the sites. It also makes private enterprises aware of opportunities and benefits in various regions in the nations, enabling them to invest in underdeveloped areas of tourism industry. NGOs NGOs play an essential complementary role of facilitating and advocating for sustainable and equitable tourism development in Third World and emerging nations. Like any other sector of economy, tourism requires some level of activism to compel governments and private enterprises to run their operations in ways that respect the rights of local communities and in a manner that conserves the environment. If left alone, private investors can collude with governments to exploit opportunities provided by the tourism industry to increase their profits at the expense of the environment and local people. As a result, NGOs intervene in developing countries to champion for the rights of the poor and natural ecosystems. They include non-profit, voluntary organizations, bringing together individuals at local, national, and international levels to fight for environmental justice (Sharpley Telfer 2002). Among others, some examples include Oxfam Community Aid Abroad (OCAA), EcoVitality, Internation al Ecotourism Society and Conservation International, and African Propoor Tourism Development Centre (APTDC). These organizations play different roles to realize their objectives in developing countries. Some play advocacy role of compelling governments and private investors to engage in sustainable tourism development while improving the lives of the poor in the community. For example, APTDC falls within this category as it works closely with the Kenyan tourism stakeholders. It comes in during government planning of tourism activities where it brings together relevant public institutions, local communities, and private enterprises to discuss and share information on the best ways to carry out tourism operations to preserve the environment and benefit poor people within the community. APTDC also monitors effects of tourism on host communities and environment and then attempts to advise government, international agencies, and other major stakeholders to reevaluate their development activities and operations. Others play a facilitative role, offering ecotourism services to tourists and helping local communities to establish ecotourism investments. For instance, EcoVitality provides tou rists to developing countries in Africa with environment-friendly travel services. The NGO uses the earnings obtained from the services to finance conservation efforts in Namibia aimed at protecting lions in national parks. Another NGO, OCAA, provides non-profit tour services (travel and accommodation) aimed at reducing the effects of tourists on the environment and local communities and benefiting host communities in emerging and developing nations. International Agencies Various multinational organizations comprised of governments and tourism organizations from different countries influence growth of tourism industries in developing nations. Their major objective entails scrutinizing tourism developments in those nations to ensure that they conform to standards acceptable globally. According to Lubbe (2003), major global tourism agencies include World Trade Organization (WTO), International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Hotel Restaurant Association (IHRA), and World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). WTO represents the only international agency responsible for coordinating all facets of tourism development in the globe. It coordinates national and international stakeholders in planning, development, and implementation of tourism projects in almost every country across the globe. It also facilitates conferences among different local and global tourism agents to address and share information about the issues facing tourism and possible alternative approaches to address them. It plays an educative role of doing research on different problems facing developing nations and offering information to them on how to solve the issues. Other roles include educating and training future professionals as well as promoting ecotourism initiatives in both developed and developing countries (Huybers 2007). WTTC comprises of private enterprises from the various sectors of national tourism industry, including accommodation, catering, travel, transportation, and other tourism-related enterprises. Its major role entails promoting and campaigning for entrepreneurship in the international tourism sector. It promotes tourism development as a means to reduce unemployment levels in developing nations. It promotes for liberalization of world market in all sectors that influence or relate to tourism industry (Lubbe 2003). In addition, it negotiates with governments (on behalf of its members) to eliminate protectionist policies that would cause uneven competition among the different players in the industry. It encourages its members to embrace sustainable development and interact with local communities effectively to alleviate their standards of living. IHRA and IATA can be regarded as subsets of WTTC, with IHRA playing specialized roles in tourism and hospitality industry, and IATA playing simila r roles to those of WTTC in the air travel industry. To some extent, World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations Environmental Agency (UNEP), World Health Organizations (WHO) also play significant role in tourism sectors of developing countries. For instance, IMF provides funds to governments for financing infrastructure, while WHO monitors and informs tourists and local communities about disease outbreaks in different regions of the globe. Public-Private Relationship The nature of tourism industry calls for a positive relationship between government institutions and non-governmental agents for sustained development. It requires substantial resources (capital, infrastructure, human resources, and others) and comprises many activities, making it impossible for either government or private enterprises to handle on its own. Thus, it becomes essential for the government to seek collaboration with other agents to foster tourism growth. Advantages One of the advantages presented by the partnership includes enhanced effectiveness of tourism policies in the country. Development of tourism policies (for example, economic, planning, or environmental management) involves a complex process that requires a comprehensive understanding of all factors surrounding issue under consideration (Huybers 2007). Although public policy-making in many developing nations remains the sole responsibility of government, participation by private entities is needed to make the policy more responsive to issue at hand. Private agents, particularly local communities and enterprises directly affected by the problem, stand in a better position to understand the issue effectively. Thus, government can invite them to discuss and exchange information about the problem and methods to solve it effectively. This minimizes resistance from the private agents that occurs when governments develop and implement tourism policies without consultation. The partnership mi nimizes financial burdens that the government or private agents would have shouldered if they implemented projects independently. It not only enables the partners to share expertise, information, financial resources, and others, but it also eliminates duplication of efforts. They meet frequently to discuss and agree on how to collaborate in form of resources to develop the various sectors of tourism industry. For instance, Lubee (2003) lauds the effective partnership between South African government and private enterprises for enhanced development in the nation’s tourism industry. The government works well with different private entities, including the Federated Hospitality Association of South Africa (FEDHASA), the Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA), and the Regional Tourism Organization of Southern Africa (RETOSA), among others. Each of these organizations represents specific private investors, implying that collaborative efforts consider contributions of from every market player. In effect, they are in a position to come up with tourism development policies that take into account the different interests of each group. Disadvantages Public-private partnership involves extensive consultation among agents from different regions and sectors of the tourism industry, which tends to slow down decision-making process. As Huybers (2007) argues, agents or representatives come with interests of their members, implying that they need to represent the issues for the other partners to discuss and express their opinions. In many instances, achieving consensus in such situations (even for smaller issues) becomes a challenge. In many developing nations, private organizations do not trust state institutions due to issues of misuse of power by public officers, corruption, and excessive bureaucracy. This mistrust may permeate into the partnership, implying that the private agents may not be willing to agree with the government on matters concerning tourism project funding. This greatly limits the ability of the partnership to make positive impacts in the tourism industry. For instance, Kenya does not have strong public-private par tnership due to mistrust between the two agents. The country ranks among the most corrupt nations in the world, making it hard for private institutions to trust the willingness and commitment to spend funds rightfully for the expected development activities. In some cases, some private enterprises have shied away from engaging in any form of partnership, fearing that corrupt government officials may affect public image of the businesses. One of the most effective ways for the Kenyan government to get out of this problem is to fight corruption at every level of the state tourism institutions to improve its image among the other stakeholders. It needs to develop and implement effective internal controls to enhance corporate governance structures in the sector. This may encourage private agents to begin trusting the government, which may see the country exploit sustainably its wide-ranging sites of tourist attractions. Conclusion In third world countries, the level of government influence depends on the perceived economic importance that tourism holds in the overall economy and the extent of the relationships between different government institutions as well as political, social, and cultural characteristics of the nations. Government plans for all major development activities and operations in the tourism industry. For example, Kenyan government released its tourism strategic plan for the period from 2008 to 2012, showing how the government expects to promote its tourist attractions, fund development of its tourism sector, and monitor tourist operations. Government also manages or coordinates different stakeholders involved in the industry to ensure smooth operations in the sector. It formulates various legislations to control tourism operations in an effort to promote development in the sector, type and nature of stakeholders to participate in the industry, to establish and conserve natural endowments perce ived as tourist attractions. Moreover, government invests heavily in tourism industry to complement investment efforts by the private individuals and organizations. Government role as a facilitator of tourism development ensures security and safety of tourists and tourism operators and their investments. Besides government, other parties in Third World countries play significant roles in tourism industry. Environmental conservation remains the major role of local societies, as they coexist with various tourist attractions available in their country. Local people may invest into the tourism industry as private investors or partner with government, NGOs, and international agencies to establish projects that foster tourism development. The major contributions of the private enterprises include investments in the travel and hotel and accommodation industries. Media’s role in the sector involves marketing and bringing awareness among all stakeholders about the tourism in emerging or Third World nations. NGOs play an essential complementary role of facilitating and advocating for sustainable and equitable tourism development. The major duty of global agencies entails scrutinizing tourism developments in those nations to ensure that they conform to standards acceptable globally. WTO represents the only international agency responsible for coordinating all facets of tourism development in the globe. The nature of tourism industry calls for a positive relationship between government institutions and non-governmental agents for sustained development. Private agents, particularly local communities and enterprises directly affected by the problem, stand in a better position to understand the issue effectively. However, it involves extensive consultation among agents from different regions and sectors of the tourism industry, which tends to slow down decision-making process. At writing company you can order your custom research papers on various topics you need. All you need is to place an order at our website!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Relationships in Second Life and how they can affect Real Life Essay

Relationships in Second Life and how they can affect Real Life - Essay Example These immersive 3D environments, also known as Multi User Virtual Environments (MUVE) (Mennecke et al. 373) or Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs), allow large numbers of users from diverse backgrounds and locales to interact via the Internet (Ducheneaut, Wen, Yee, and Wadley 1151). However, for many inhabitants of Second Life, it is not just a 3D online game, but another world that â€Å"†¦has its own economy and millions of residents who own and create property, make friends and even get married† (CNN Living, 2008). These virtual worlds (VWs) have become conduits for socialization, collaboration, entertainment, social networking, and business development (Mennecke et al. 371). Second Life vs. Real Life In VWs like Second Life, users must build virtual representations of themselves through creation of customizable avatars, which gives them a 3D body that they control and provides a â€Å"tangible embodiment of their identity† (Ducheneaut, Wen, Yee, and Wadl ey 1151). Through the avatars, users can discover an ever-growing assortment of virtual sites, fabricate all sorts of items, from clothing to buildings, and create businesses to sell their goods or services, forge relationships with other players through their interactions with their avatars, and buy virtual property (Hayes 154). According to Dell, as many as 13 million people have logged on to Second Life at least one time and about 450,000 subscribers are from more than 50 countries are online in any given week, ranging in age from 18 – 72, 27% of which are female (Hayes 154). Researchers have begun to conduct studies to analyze the way self-perception formed through interactions in VWs affects behaviors in the real world (Dell). According to Ducheneaut, Wen, Yee, and Wadley, "the choices users make when creating and customizing their avatar will have repercussions on their interactions with other users† (1151), which can cause users to create online personas that are sometimes the complete opposite of who they are in real life. The ability to â€Å"†¦do, create or become just about anything you can imagine† (Hayes 154) in the VW can result in people adapting qualities that spill over and change their demeanor in the real world (Dell). This reaction frequently occurs without the person being aware of the shift and research has determined that as little as 90 seconds spent interacting with avatars online is sufficient to bring forth behavioral changes offline due to augmentation to the individual’s self-perception and self-confidence (Dell). Additionally, researchers have determined that physical characteristics, like height and appearance, can have significant effects on the online behavior of the person as well as how they interact with others offline (Dell). Studies conducted regarding behaviors determined that individuals that used avatars considered to be physically attractive tended to display a higher degree of self-assu rance than they normally did after inhabiting the avatar (Dell). This was also true for people that used tall avatars, with these individuals displaying behaviors more aggressive than their usual demeanor and the converse being true for people using short avatars (Dell). VWs can potentially be used to improve health for some adults by allowing them to watch avatars that closely resemble their own likeness exercise, which, in studies, resulted in the individuals also exercising within 24-hours of the interaction (Dell). More recently,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Labor Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Labor Economics - Assignment Example Becker’s concept of taste based discrimination states that firms that do not employ minorities do bear the cost of discrimination together with the minorities themselves. Discriminating firms usually have a higher cost of operation since they bear the cost of discrimination. Becker’s concept shows that minorities in such an environment usually work harder and are more productive hence would accept a lower wage. This means that the cost of production is lower hence the firms become more profitable. The discriminating firms however are at a higher cost as majority employees tend to demand relatively higher wages and their productivity is average. As a result more employees would be required to achieve acceptable productivity. Entry of a non discriminating firm under a constant return to scale means increase in number of employee is directly proportional to productivity. A non discriminating firm that has a high specialization of minorities would ideally have higher productivity per employees and therefore an increase in number of more productive employees would mean a subsequence increase in productivity and thus more profitability. This is because the wage bill is also lower than that of a discriminating firm. Entry of non discriminating firm under decreasing return of scale DRTS would lead to constant production and decreased overhead cost. Also since increase in work force does not adequately increase the production. The cost of having more employees is drastically reduced and since the minority workers produce maximally the cost of the wage bill remains relatively low and hence the firm becomes more profitable. In such a firm it would lead to more efficiency as the production process require less man power for efficiency and use of minority who are efficient and extremely productive would lead to the most desired state of profitability. 3. Suppose that men earn on average

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Examining Current Issues in Child Mental Health Essay Example for Free

Examining Current Issues in Child Mental Health Essay In today’s society, a major concern that ought to ensure success in a country’s future is the positive development, growth and health of children. According to the World Health Organization, children are susceptible to acquiring malnutrition, along with having a higher prevalence rate of diseases compared to any other age group (WHO, 2012). Likewise, these susceptibilities in children are determined by the social determinants of health; known as conditions set in place in order to combat illness and are dependent on the country’s power, wealth and economy (WHO, 2012). In this critical review, the social gradient and social determinants of health are used in order to analyze the impact of society on child mental health and development. From a Canadian perspective of the social the determinants of health, the following topics that are addressed in the critical analysis of child mental health include three social determinants. These determinants consist of the early child hood development vs. race/ethnicity, early child hood development vs. ealth services, and early child hood development vs. social exclusion. While the article, â€Å"Call for Help (HL)† By Suzanna Pillay, reports the significant view that the children’s help line service is known to be the number one coping method for children with negative psychological issues; however, this is not the case since the primary solution to avoiding child mental health issues is with the main help of the primary care giver, general public and global organizations. Summary of â€Å"Call for Help† By Suzanna Pillay The article’s overall message describes children being a susceptible being to mental health issues that occur due to many factors, however, those issues can be reduced and prevented during the first three years of development with the help of several caregivers. Suzanne mentions that the children’s helpline is the main route to determining what’s wrong with the children who call because many tend to seek help there rather than to their primary caregivers, their parents. In addition, research and statistics from the child helpline shows that some of the mental disorders that the children acquire are a lack of confidence, eating disorders, phobias, obsessions, anxiety, suicidal, loneliness and depression. According to the article, the central solution to fight against the odds of children developing mental health problems in their later years is to provide a positive environment both external and internal that will lead them to a stable life. Overall, although the article layout many viewpoints, issues and solutions toward child mental health, in the end it comes down to the fact that the early years of a child’s development is critical and consists of many components such as brain development, emotions, stability and perception in life, coping, and health. Critical Analysis To begin with, from a Canadian perspective they believe that early childhood development (ECD) is one of the important social determinants of health to draw upon on when analyzing child mental health. As mentioned in the article, the first three years are vital for a child’s emotional and development and control; whereas increasing stress hormones can affect the development of the brain. However, on the social gradient scale the early years of development can vary between different races and ethnicities. For instance, according to an article by Christina Gamache Martin and her colleges, research has shown to indicate that there are racial and ethnic disparities; where African Americans are more prone to higher cortisol levels than Caucasians and Latinos had lower levels of cortisol than Caucasians (Evidence 1). Critsol is a glucocorticide hormone derived from the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, where both work together to mediate between persistent stress and appalling health (Evidence 1). As a result, since the African American group has shown to have had higher levels of crotisol, they tend have a lack of parental monitoring and higher risk of acquiring mental health issues (eVdence 1). Therefore, it is clear that some children may have a higher tendency of acquiring mental health illnesses due to race and ethnicity. In conclusion, it would be logical to rovide public services as mentioned in the article by Suzanne Pillay to specific race and ethnic youth groups who are more likely experience negative early child hood development. Moreover, health services provide to a society in Canada is also known to have a significant impact on children and their development. One issue outlined in the article was that 60 % and higher of child care and nursery centers were overpopulated with children with mental disabilities and on top of that they did not follow up on child’s needs presented in an Act in 2001 for children. This statement essentially indicates that health services such as foster care services and child care centers with mental health ill children will need to be addressed in a manner that will benefit the children. A research study acknowledged by Georgina, Hibbert, makes note of the worthiness of health services in relation to child mental illnesses. The study was a consultation called the â€Å"Psychology Consultation Service† which was set up by Brent CAMHS in 1005 that provided consent to improve foster care services. It was in support of limitations in other studies and issues revolving around mental health and children. They found this consultation to show great improvement in the skills and understanding of children with mental illness in foster care, while also making the foster care givers more self-reliance and assurance to perform their job well. (evidence 2). Other workers, such as social workers found the model consultation to also be beneficial in terms of skills advancement, planning, and increase knowledge. In regards to the article, the consultation is a fine example of presenting methods in which health services can perform in order to improve their quality of services to help child mental health patients in the future. Lastly, to draw upon the viewpoints made in the article it quite apparent that social exclusion are viable key determinants factors that can both hinder and impact child development in a negative way. As stated in the article, it important to acknowledge the fact that children who are cared for, not neglected and grow up in a warm environment are more likely to do better in life compared to those who are neglected and experience some type of violence or abuse at a young age. Wren, Frances J, expresses this logic strongly in his article insisting that primary care givers, such as the parents and clinician, of a child play a significantly important role decreasing the chances of mental health illness such as depression in the future (Evidence 3). The close relationship between the care givers and the child will help to determine any early symptoms of mental health illness that can be prevented in the future (Evidence 3). In connection to the article, if parents sought to provide their child with the care and positive environment they need, children would be less likely to perform such acts like calling the children helpline to ask for help and advice when facing psychological symptoms’ or disorders. Moreover, they would feel more comfortable to talk to their parents and could mean a way of closing the mental illness treatment gap in medical care. Conclusion In conclusion, it is apparent that there are various social determinants of health that create inequalities in health, usually leading to problems like affecting the care of children with mental health illnesses. As for limitations, this analysis only focuses on three of many of Canada’s standpoints in social inequalities in health. Moreover, despite the research and enhancement of services provided there will always be limitations due to the fact that every child differs from one another. The analysis makes a clear distinction between the social determinant of health and inequalities in health towards child mental health and development, such that there are inequalities in the child mental health spectrum that need to be evaluated and improved. As a result, the general conception is that in order to reduce limitations in child mental health the help of primary care givers, society and organizations are needed and without them it would be impossible to reduce the effects of negatively impacting environments and early child hood development on children in the future.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The State of Nature and its Implications for Civilization in Hobbes and

The State of Nature and its Implications for Civilization in Hobbes and Rousseau In his Leviathan Thomas Hobbes expresses a philosophy of civilization which is both practical and just and stems from a clear moral imperative. He begins with the assertion that in the state of nature man is condemned to live a life â€Å"solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short.† It is in the interest of every man to rise above this â€Å"state of nature† and to give up certain rights so that the violent nature of the human animal can be subdued. Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s vision of the state of nature parallels that of Hobbes but for its more optimistic tone: â€Å"I assume that men reach a point where the obstacles to their preservation in a state of nature prove greater than the strength that each man has to preserve himself in that state.† In general, Rousseau’s words prove reasonably less severe than Hobbes’s. According to Hobbes the bestial rights that a man is forced to give up must also be given up by every other man if civilization is to quell the state of nature. This surrendering of rights then forms covenant of peace which mankind has agreed upon collectively to rise above the state of nature. Hobbes argues that it is human reason that has necessarily led men to embrace this covenant: â€Å"And Reason suggesteth convenient Articles of Peace, upon which men may be drawn to agreement . . . .† These Articles of Peace Hobbes calls â€Å"Laws of Nature† and argues that while they do not exist in a state of nature they are nonetheless natural laws which potentially exist there. â€Å"A Law of Nature (Lex Naturalis,) is a Precept, or generall Rule, found out by Reason, by which a man is forbidden to do, that, which is destructive of his life, or taketh away the means of preserving the same; and to omit, that, by which he thinketh it may be best preserved.† That is, a n atural law is a result of a reasoning which commands that each man protect his own life. With the state of nature as terrible as Hobbes describes it, it is reasonable for a man to wish to put an end to it, as he then has a greater chance of protecting his own life. Without certain agreements between individuals they interact in a manner in which they are all a constant threat to one another. Therefore Hobbes arrives at the first fundamental law of nature: â€Å"That every man, ought to endeavour Peace, as farre as he has hope of obtain... ...iety, both agree that their contemporary world is not a world of the human animal. Changes have occurred not only in the way humans are ordered, but in humans themselves as well. Their theories differ in their beliefs about these changes. Hobbes is able to recognize the current state of man as having transcended its most basic nature. Rousseau agrees with Hobbes but assumes even more of man. He believes that it is possible not only for humans to be at peace but also to be free. Just how far society has transcended the state of nature in today’s world is debatable, but one gets the feeling in reading these two authors that Hobbes underestimates human nature and Rousseau overestimates it. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle, for many societies today are barely able to achieve peace within their borders, while a handful can truly be said to have a liberated populace. It is certainly no coincidence, however, that Rousseau’s vision of society heralds liberty a s its highest ideal and that the most progressive states of today do likewise. Mankind’s ever evolving flight from the state of nature moves people to continually expect more from their society – as well as themselves.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

African American Contributions to American History Essay

In today’s society there are many people living in poverty. All across America there are different projects and reservations where the less fortunate reside. Statistics show that mostly minorities live in these different locations. Native Americans and African Americans are two of the more popular races living in these places. The group suffering the most in these situations is the youth. Although both Native American and African American children living on a reservation or in the projects experience a terrible community, have little to no faith, and a broken family structure, African American youth living in the projects have it worse than Native American children living on a reservation. First, one of the most common living situations for less fortunate African Americans is in the projects. A project is a public living environment that is government owned. Although these buildings are government owned they are far from nice looking. Most of the buildings have no windows, are run down, dirty, and old. The government’s main goal is to maintain affordable housing not to make them the best looking homes in town. The projects aren’t a good environment for a child to be raised. Throughout these neighborhoods different gangs can be found. These gangs are built to defend the different areas in the projects. The gangs bring major violence to the area and are one of the main causes of death. At a young age children join these gangs and are raised to be violent. Many of them decorate the buildings they are living in with graffiti expressing their gang colors, symbols, or motto. In contrast, while Native American youth also live in poor housing, the environment is safer than the projects. A reservation is an area set aside for a specific type of land use or activity, or for use by a particular group of people, mostly Native Americans. Similar to the projects, houses on a reservation are old, beat down, and dirty. The houses on a reservation are government owned as well. Although these two locations are very similar they also differ. The reservation is a safer place then the projects. On the reservation there is a couple cases of mild violence but they aren’t as severe as the violence in the projects. Therefore, the reservations environment is a better environment than the projects. Secondly, many of the young people have no faith growing up in the projects. A lot of them believe their only way out of the projects is to become a basketball or football player or to become a top selling rap artist. At as young as sixteen years of age most African American males end up in jail, deceased, or selling drugs. A lot of them are also lead to believe that if they don’t do what every other man on the streets is doing, then they won’t make it anywhere in life. On the reservation the kids believe their only way out is to become NBA players or â€Å"powwowers†. Powwower’s are traditional Native American cheerleaders or dancers. Much like the African Americans growing up in the projects, the life expectancy rate for those living on a reservation is in the mid forties. Considering that both of these locations are in the United States mid forties is very young of age. Many of these people don’t live very long because they don’t have enough money to take care of themselves as well as their families. They also aren’t able to live a healthy lifestyle which shortens their days. Death is common in the two locations which leaves these two young groups wondering what’s beyond the age forty. Lastly, family structure is very important in a household. In the projects many of the homes lack a very strong family structure. Children growing up in the projects nine times out of ten don’t have both parents in the home. Most of them are drug dealers, alcoholics, prostitutes, or doing any and everything to try and provide for the child. Although these parents are trying to provide for their children a lot of the time they are also on welfare. Moreover, these children’s parents aren’t ever around, they sometimes go days without having anything to eat. Many of the young men follow after the footsteps of their father, older brother, or uncles which is why this cycle has continued for so long. Native Americans typically stick together as a unit. According to Sherman Alexie, an award winning author who grew up on a reservation, â€Å"Native American children are taught to be suspicious of Caucasian people. † Native Americans teach this to their children because there are many people in America that are against minorities and believe that just because they are the majority they’re better. A lot of the parents on a reservation go from job to job not being able to keep one job for a long period of time. Many of these parents are also alcoholics. On the other hand, some of these families on these reservations are very family oriented unlike the African American families in the projects. These Native American families have up to seventeen family members living in one house. They keep their families very close and are very supportive of one another rather then being against each other like African Americans. The parents watch over their children to make sure they don’t go down the wrong path in life. Although these families are experiencing hard times they cheer each other up and manage to smile every once in a while. Therefore, the Native Americans family structure is stronger then African Americans. In conclusion, Native American youth living on a reservation have it better then African American youth living in the projects. Both of these minorities are going through some hardships. From alcoholic parents to not having anything to eat they both are suffering as young children. Native American families provide a safer living environment, work harder, and look after one another, where as African Americans are against one another, on the streets all day, and are strongly associated with violence. As the years go on these families are hoping that the government will separate people in the projects and those living on reservations and provide them both with a better living situation. If these environments are separated the United States will be one step closer to eliminating violence in America.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Classism and Its Effects in Society

Classism and its effects on Society James Bradley Cardinal Stritch University Instructor Kevin Nettesheim Intro to written communication April 17, 2013 Abstract Throughout history classism has played an important role in how people are perceived and treated. This goes as far as race, gender, financial status, and social class of individuals. For persons of any classification to prejudge another based on their background is morally and ethically incorrect, when God created man, he created man in his likeness. Therefore, I believe that no matter who you are or what cloth you come from, we all equal.Classism hurts society; it increases stereotyping, further demeans people, and It should not under any circumstance be tolerated or accepted. If classism should arise in any given the opportunity, it should be publicized and protested. What is Classism Classism is defined as a biased or discriminatory attitude based on distinctions made between social or economic classes. (Collins English di ctionary, 2009) In sociology, (which is the study of the development, organization, functioning, and classification of human societies,) classism has a distinct effect on human life. Collins English dictionary, 2009) Classism is a form of discrimination under the classifications of an individual’s rational needs, which includes; food, clothing, shelter, education, and respect based on the individual’s social class. Classism is a system of beliefs and cultural attitudes that rank people according to their economic status. This economic status is also known as social stratification, which is the idea of classifying people according to their group of socio-economic class.This classification deals with equalities or inequalities of economic, social, political, and ideological dimensions of society. Society ranks the stratification of people into layers of upper class, middle class, and lower class. Upper and middle classes are seen to be the richest and most educated of th e layer, while the lower class is to poorest. Effects of Classism Classism has a major effect on society mainly because it is a belief that has been passed down from generation to generation. Classism affects people on an economical and emotional level; it divides society into two parts.Those who have and those who do not have, this mistreatment mainly comes from the dominant more in control groups of society, the rich. It affects the subordinated groups of society, those who are the poor and it continues to cause pain and suppression among the lower classes of society to the extent of personal fulfillment or survival. Theorized, if you are not born into this dominant class, there is no room for you in society to someday become successful and without this privilege; you are stuck, left to dogs. Yet classism is not only judged by finances, it is also judge by race, gender and religion.Classism affects the minorities of society, African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and women. The mis treatment of Africans dates back to the 1600’s, and the reasons for this so called classification results from slavery, lack of education, and social status. This division of this group further suppresses Africans; it depletes the want for success within this group. As being an African American, I can honestly say, â€Å"I know classism. † You are put into class of people who you may or may not be like, the only thing you have in common is being of the same race.To be prejudged on your color and to have that related to racial background is hurtful; there only two options after something like this. You can either better yourself or you fall into the black hole of failure. Failure can be caused by what others think of you and how you are treated. After being treated a certain way for so long you begin to transform into that individual, hint, â€Å"society can put you down. † It is same for other minorities in society as well; women are sometimes classified by what they cannot do. It is always been stated that a woman cannot complete the same task as a man.Therefore women have always had to fight for their rights, including purchasing property, voting, and fair wages. Classism has been a struggle for all. What can be done about Classism While classism affects society as a whole, there is much that can be done by both the dominant and subordinated groups of society to cease classism. The first step to stopping classism is to recognize and accept both parties as equals. No matter what race, gender, or social class you come from, we all human beings and together we strengthen our society.The belief of classism is taught at young age, individuals can start by instilling ethical behavior into their kids, so that they are able to prevent future behavior of classism. Ultimately, if we work together as a group we can stop classism. References classism. (n. d. ). Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. Retrieved April 1 0, 2013, from Dictionary. com website:  http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/classism sociology. (n. d. ). Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from Dictionary. com website:  http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/sociology

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Copybloggers Best Advice On How To Scale To 8 Figures With Brian Clark

Copybloggers Best Advice On How To Scale To 8 Figures With Brian Clark If you are a marketer, then you have probably heard of Rainmaker Digital’s Copyblogger and read some of its articles. Copyblogger is one of the most iconic marketing blogs in the world. It is kind of a big deal, and there’s a good reason for that. The team at Copyblogger works hard to publish specific content that the audience finds extremely useful and valuable. Today, we’re talking to Brian Clark, founder and CEO of Rainmaker Digital and creator of Copyblogger. Brian and Copyblogger are recognized by many as the most influential blogging resources. If you haven’t got the hint yet, Brian knows his stuff! So, learn all about audience, value, and generosity from him. Getting back to basics with digital and content marketing automation and personalization; it’s still the human being in the middle of it that matters the most Know your audience for automation and personalization to be a delivery engine that gets better content to people who care about it Learn how to use new tools before applying them in the fundamentals of a sound digital marketing strategy; the tool does not make the strategy Audience First Content: Build your audience by providing them value; then you will understand what products they want and need Publish content first that attracts an audience, and then build a product Copyblogger is considered the Bible of content marketing despite no advertising Rainmakers: Use email marketing principles and have a product to sell to develop authority and clients How much to give away for free with your content marketing be generous, tell them everything, and share as much as you can, if you are selling something Content Creation to Revenue Generation: Are you getting more business than if you weren’t doing content marketing? Productize content and charge audience for information by knowing the objective and removing all objections that prevent buying Know your audience to determine the right format (audio, video, written, etc.) Internet is the greatest market research environment; it’s no longer about not having enough information, but how to manage and utilize it all Biggest mistake made is trying to appeal to everyone and not turn anyone off Links: Copyblogger Rainmaker Digital Brian Clark on Twitter Permission Marketing by Seth Godin Write and send a review to receive a care package If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Brian Clark:: â€Å"Be super generous because it’s competitive out there, and you have to find a way to stand out.† â€Å"It really should be the right content at the right time for the right person.† â€Å"Audience First is really the idea that you build that group of people by providing them value.† â€Å"That’s what we’ve done every time. Start with the content that attracts the audience, and then develop the products.†

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Lucy Stone - The Progress of Fifty Years - 1893 Speech

Lucy Stone - The Progress of Fifty Years - 1893 Speech This was Lucy Stones last public speech, and she died a few months later at age 75. The speech was originally presented as a speech to the Congress of Women held in the Womans Building at the Worlds Columbian Exposition (Worlds Fair), Chicago, 1893.  Stone is known as a proponent of womens suffrage and, earlier in her life, as an abolitionist. A short biography below (before Stones speech) was published with the speech in the official edition of the record of the Congress of Women, published at the direction of the Lady Managers, a committee charged by the United States Congress with overseeing the Womans Building and its events. Points covered in this speech: Education: A reflection that Oberlin College opened itself to both sexes and to all classes in 1833, followed by Mary Lyon opening Mt. Holyoke.Free speech: Anti-Slavery activism had led to questioning womens role as well, though the anti-slavery movement was divided on womens rights. She mentions the Grimke sisters and Abby Kelly.  Abby Kellys role in establishing the right to free speech for women, defended by Garrison and Phillips.Womens Sphere and womens work: Women began to enter new occupations. She mentions Harriet Hosmer among artists, business owners, Elizabeth Blackwell and medicine, ministry and Antoinette Brown, law and Lelia Robinson.Married womens rights: The property rights and legal existence of married women.Political power: Some limited suffrage for women had already been won, including full suffrage in Wyoming, school and municipal suffrage in other places.Womens organizations: Womens clubs, colleges for women and co-educational colleges, the  Womans Christian T emperance Union  and other reform groups and beneficent societies, factory, and prison inspectors, and the Board of Lady Managers for the Columbian Exposition, at which Stone was speaking. She closed with: And not one of these things was allowed women fifty years ago, except the opening at Oberlin.  By what toil and fatigue and patience and strife and the beautiful law of growth has all this been wrought? These things have not come of themselves. They could not have occurred except as the great movement for women has brought them out and about. They are part of the eternal order, and they have come to stay. Now all we need is to continue to speak the truth fearlessly, and we shall add to our number those who will turn the scale to the side of equal and full justice in all things. Full text:  The Progress of Fifty Years: Lucy Stone, 1893​ Related Primary Source Material on This Site: Laura Ormiston Chant: The Duty of God to Man  - 1893Ida Hultin: Essential Oneness of Ethical Ideas  - 1893Marriage Protest of Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell  - 1855

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Special Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Special Education - Essay Example This assumption and accusation comes from the fact that schools stand to get more funding from the government if they have more special education needs students. In this regard, it is assumed that schools are more likely to label more students as special needs students so as to acquire more money from the government. However, as Freeman (2012) says, this is not only incorrect, it is also impossible. He argues that this accusation is incorrect because of various reasons. First, in any school, just one qualified teacher can have a child into the special needs status. This member of staff, who should also be a qualified teacher, and the special education needs coordinator would at the same time have to communicate and consult with so many other parties before he or she is finally able to have the child labelled as a special education needs student. These other parties include the board members, the parents of the child, the head teacher, a government body and many others. This means tha t the school cannot just decide to make a certain student a special needs student and start getting funding for the same. Secondly, Freeman (2012) argues that this claim is wrong because even if it was possible for schools to decide to label a child as having differentiated needs, this does not necessarily lead to the school getting lots of money. He argues that even after a school makes a certain student or group of students special needs students, this does not necessarily lead to the government increasing funding to the school. In such a case, the school may be required to meet the special needs of the students within the already existing resources. Again, even in the rare cases where the government may increase funding to the school, the increase in minimal and not so much as to be seen as a improvement of the students that the school gets. To counter this belief that schools and teachers are getting into the habit of unnecessarily labelling students as special needs students in order to get more money, Freeman (2012) argues that schools have over time tried their best to improve the learning environment of students with disability. This means that contrary to the belief that teacher and schools are using special education needs students to get more money, they are actually more interested in helping these students and do so with or without increased funding. Thirdly, Freeman (2012) argues that this argument is incorrect because even in cases where a school gets more support from the government for helping in taking the needs of these students with special education needs, this increased funding is usually in the form of teaching staff as opposed to cash money. In the article, he also looks at another issue that is more fundamental. The Second issue is that it is not the labelling that is important but how challenges of special students are dealt with. He looks at how the history of taking care of students with special need has changed. In particular he ar gues that teachers and school in general have turned to not caring too much about labelling but to coming up with different ways in which to assist students. He stresses that the label that the child gets is not important to the school staff, both teaching and the other members of staff because what matters to them is identifying the barriers and coming up with sensible practical solutions to help these students. Freeman (2012) stresses at least two things here. First he stresses the fact that labelling student